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Сортировка по умолчанию стоит я думаю по рейтингу, а туда попадают только фильмы от 500 голосов
- либо голоса фильму добавить
- либо сортировку по умолчанию менять
# Заполнение title_logo на русском для фильмов, у которых уже есть ID TMDb
0 ~ db ~ custom.tmdb_id ~ https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/[tmdb_id]/images?api_key=269890f657dddf4635473cf4cf456576&include_image_language=ru ~ logos.0.file_path <> custom.title_logo!
# Заполнение title_logo на...
we need to remove most of the unnecessary scraping and updates (Auto fill in movie information / Automatic collections - TMDB, IMDB, etc.)
or adjust the timing so that these high load processes happen at night.
Its a sorting problem
sitemap is based on rating of ru-language kinopoisk website
need replace kinopoisk-vote-up to imdb-vote-up
/routes/paths/sitemap.js and /lib/CP_cron.js
and it seems that the changes will only be visible after 24 hours
save movies db "movie" <> type
0 ~ https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/popular?api_key=269890f657dddf4635473cf4cf456576&page=[page] ~ results.0.id ~ https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/[id]?api_key=269890f657dddf4635473cf4cf456576&append_to_response=credits,external_ids&language=en ~ id <>...
I think it works like this
your server every hour :>> get name folder on StreamSB by api (tt12345) :>> get info from TMDb by api (api.tmdb.com/tt12345) :>> save to server db info and players form StreamSB (custom.player1)
player works like this
/api?token=&imdb_id=tt12345 :>> get json embed...
Its a good idea and this player can be inserted into the movie page
https://api.9animetv.live/player/series-player.php?id=[tmdb_id] ~ "player" ~ iframe
and Setting the embedded player /embed/[id] button to right "data-cinemaplayer-tabs-right": "15px",
I think the problem is with cors
on this page api - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DavidChriss/player/master/player.json
not - https://api.9animetv.live/series-api.php?id=100088
need change "results" to "simple-api"
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